Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ending the Year with a Thud...

What a difference a year (or two) makes in New Mexico:

December '07: 3.5% unemployed
December '08: 4.7% unemployed
December '09: 8.3% unemployed

During the last year, 25,900 jobs were lost.

As usual, we are not alone (every state reported a decline in jobs) and the national unemployment rate finished the year in double digits -- an even 10%.

As you would expect, since the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area is by far the largest in the state, most of the job loss happened here: 14,300. The big losers were manufacturing and construction.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting serious about water...

A new ordinance taking effect in the City of Albuquerque will require sellers to install low-flow toilets before completing the sale. The ordinance went into effect on January 6, 2010 and applies to any structure built before 1994 and served by the Bernalillo County Water Authority under the jurisdiction of the city of Albuquerque.

This will obviously cause some hardship for sales -- but I am personally delighted that the city is continuing its focus on water conservation.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bottomed Out?

If anyone can think of a worse decade, please nominate it!
  • We started with the silliness of Y2K
  • Moved into the tragedy of 9/11
  • Got involved in two (still on-going) wars
  • Watched Enron and Tyco and others crash due to mis-management, greed and arrogance
  • Got smacked down hard by Wall Street greed and hubris...
...and we are still on one knee trying to get up off the canvas.

New Mexico Unemployment:
No change from October to November -- we remain at 7.8%.
Job growth was a negative 3.0% which translates into a loss of 25,400 jobs. That is easily the worst loss the state has seen since WWII.

Albuquerque/Rio Rancho Unemployment:
A minor drop from 8.1% in October to 8% in November.
Job growth was a negative 3.5% which translates into a loss of 13,900 jobs. That is a big chunk of the entire state's losses.

For the state and the local economy, the only consistent bright spots have been health services and government increases. Every other sector is in the tank at the moment.

And, with all of that -- we are still better off than more than 50% of the other states. Somehow I find very little satisfaction in that.

May I wish all of you a better year and decade -- one small step at a time as we climb out of this very deep hole.